
Base type of features in volume format and related anatomical anchor.

Module Contents



Base class for anatomically anchored data features.


Anatomical anchor to an atlas region, a geometric primitive in an atlas

class siibra.features.image.image.Image(name: str, modality: str, space_spec: dict, providers: List[siibra.volumes.providers.provider.VolumeProvider], region: str = None, datasets: List = [], id: str = None)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.features.image.image.Image

Base class for anatomically anchored data features.

property description

Allows subclasses to overwrite the description with a function call.

property name

Returns a short human-readable name of this feature.

class siibra.features.image.image.ImageAnchor(volume: siibra.volumes.volume.Volume, region: str = None)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.features.image.image.ImageAnchor

Anatomical anchor to an atlas region, a geometric primitive in an atlas reference space, or both.

property location

Loads the bounding box only if required, since it demands image data access.

property space

Return str(self).