Concepts that have primarily spatial meaning.
Abstract base class for locations in a given reference space. |
Module Contents
- class siibra.locations.location.Location(spacespec: str | Dict[str, str] |
Abstract base class for locations in a given reference space.
- abstract __eq__()
Required to provide comparison and making the object hashable
- __hash__() int
- __repr__()
- __str__()
- abstract transform(affine: numpy.ndarray, space=None)
Returns a new location obtained by transforming the reference coordinates of this one with the given affine matrix.
- Parameters:
affine (numpy 4x4 ndarray) – affine matrix
space (reference space (id, name, or Space)) – Target reference space which is reached after applying the transform. Note that the consistency of this cannot be checked and is up to the user.
- static union(loc0: Location, loc1: Location) Location
- Abstractmethod:
Reassigned at the locations module level for static typing and to avoid circular imports. See siibra.locations.__init__.reassign_union()
- abstract warp(space)
Generates a new location by warping the current one into another reference space.
- BIGBRAIN_ID = 'minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/a1655b99-82f1-420f-a3c2-fe80fd4c8588'
- property space
- property species