A particular brain reference space.

Module Contents



Parent class encapsulating commonalities of the basic siibra concept like atlas, parcellation, space, region.

class str, name: str, species: str | siibra.commons.Species, volumes: List[siibra.volumes.volume.Volume] = [], shortname: str = '', description: str = '', modality: str = '', publications: list = [], datasets: list = [])
Inheritance diagram of

Parent class encapsulating commonalities of the basic siibra concept like atlas, parcellation, space, region. These concepts have an id, name, and key, and they are bootstrapped from metadata stored in an online resources. Typically, they are linked with one or more datasets that can be retrieved from the same or another online resource, providing data files or additional metadata descriptions on request.

property provides_image
property provides_mesh
get_template(variant: str = None)

Get the volumetric reference template for this space.


variant (str, optional) – Some templates are provided in different variants, e.g. freesurfer is available as either white matter, pial or inflated surface for left and right hemispheres (6 variants). This field could be used to request a specific variant. Per default, the first found variant is returned.


representing the reference template, or None if not available.

Return type:
