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Accessing brain reference templates
Other than a reference space, which is only a semantic entity, a reference template is a spatial object representing the brain volume in the form of a 3D image or 3D surface mesh. Since each reference template is uniquely linked to one particular brain reference space, we access templates by the get_template() method of Space objects.
In siibra, reference templates are Volume objects. Volumes allow fetching volumetric data from different types of “volume providers” through their fetch() method.
It is important to note that the same volume (such as the BigBrain 3D model) can be provided through different resources and formats, which represent it as an image or surface mesh, each possibly through multiple formats. Therefore, a Volume object can have multiple volume providers, which are selected depending on the parameters passed to fetch(). This example will show some typical settings.
import siibra
from nilearn import plotting
We choose the ICBM 2009c on linear asymmetric space, and then request the template siibra linked to it. As expected, the template is an object of type Volume.
icbm_tpl = siibra.spaces.get('icbm 2009c nonl asym').get_template()
<Volume(space_spec={'@id': 'minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/dafcffc5-4826-4bf1-8ff6-46b8a31ff8e2'}, name='MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric', providers={'neuroglancer/precomputed': <siibra.volumes.providers.neuroglancer.NeuroglancerProvider object at 0x7fc4f339ecd0>, 'neuroglancer/precompmesh/surface': <siibra.volumes.providers.neuroglancer.NeuroglancerSurfaceMesh object at 0x7fc4f339edf0>, 'zip/nii': <siibra.volumes.providers.nifti.ZipContainedNiftiProvider object at 0x7fc4f339e970>})>
We can now fetch data from the template. By default (and if available), this gives us a 3D image in the form of a Nifti1Image object as defined and supported by the commonly used nibabel library.
<class 'nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image'>
We can display this template with common neuroimaging visualization tools. Here we use the plotting tools provided by nilearn
plotting.view_img(icbm_img, bg_img=None, cmap='gray', colorbar=False)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nilearn/plotting/ UserWarning: Threshold given was 1e-06, but the data has no values below -0.0126495361328125.