Atlases and brain parcellations

Atlases are the most high-level concepts in siibra. They do not provide much specific functionality, instead they mostly provide a common context for a collection of parcellations and reference spaces of the same species, which are integrated with each other through semantic and spatial links. Atlas objects also provide some shortcuts for using functionalities of their parcellations, parcellation maps and spaces.

Similar to atlases, brain parcellations are semantic objects as well. The define a hierarchy of brain regions, and provide access to available parcellations maps in different reference spaces. Predefined atlases and parcellations can be accessed via siibra.atlases and siibra.parcellations, which provide an autocomplete functionality in the interactive interpreter, and allow to fetch via keyword matching using their .get() methods, e.g. you can run human_atlas = siibra.atlases.get(‘human’) and julich_brain = siibra.parcellations.get(‘julich’).

Selecting a preconfigured atlas from an instance table

Selecting a preconfigured atlas from an instance table

Selecting preconfigured parcellations

Selecting preconfigured parcellations

Explore brain region hierarchies

Explore brain region hierarchies

Find brain regions in a parcellation

Find brain regions in a parcellation

Basic brain region properties

Basic brain region properties

Spatial properties of brain regions

Spatial properties of brain regions

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