Neurotransmitter receptor densities

EBRAINS provides transmitter receptor density measurements linked to a selection of cytoarchitectonic brain regions in the human brain (Palomero-Gallagher, Amunts, Zilles et al.). These can be accessed by calling the siibra.features.get() method with feature types in siibra.features.molecular modality, and by specifying a cytoarchitectonic region. Receptor densities come as cortical profiles and regional fingerprints, both tabular style data features.

import siibra

If we query this modality for the whole atlas instead of a particular brain region, all linked receptor density features will be returned.

parcellation = siibra.parcellations.get('julich 2.9')
all_features = siibra.features.get(parcellation, siibra.features.molecular.ReceptorDensityFingerprint)
print("Receptor density fingerprints found at the following anatomical anchors:")
print("\n".join(str(f.anchor) for f in all_features))
Receptor density fingerprints found at the following anatomical anchors:
CA1 (Hippocampus)
CA2 (Hippocampus)
CA3 (Hippocampus)
Area 44 (IFG)
CA2 (Hippocampus)
Area TE 2.1 (STG)
CA1 (Hippocampus)
CA2 (Hippocampus)
CA3 (Hippocampus)
CA1 (Hippocampus)
CA2 (Hippocampus)
CA3 (Hippocampus)
Area PGp (IPL)
CA3 (Hippocampus)
Area PFt (IPL)
CA2 (Hippocampus)
Area 45 (IFG)
Area FG1 (FusG)
CA1 (Hippocampus)
CA2 (Hippocampus)
CA3 (Hippocampus)
Area PFcm (IPL)
Area TE 1.0 (HESCHL)
CA3 (Hippocampus)
Area hOc2 (V2, 18)
CA1 (Hippocampus)
Area 7A (SPL)
Area 3b (PostCG)
Area hOc2 (V2, 18)
Area PF (IPL)
Area FG2 (FusG)
Area PGa (IPL)
Area 4p (PreCG)
CA1 (Hippocampus)
Area hOc3d (Cuneus)
Area 44 (IFG)
Area hOc3v (LingG)
Area PFm (IPL)
Area PFop (IPL)
DG (Hippocampus)
Area hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS)
DG (Hippocampus)

When providing a particular region instead, the returned list is filtered accordingly. So we can directly retrieve densities for the primary visual cortex:

v1_fingerprints = siibra.features.get(
    siibra.get_region('julich 2.9', 'v1'),
Neurotransmitter receptor density in Area hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS)
<Axes: title={'center': 'Neurotransmitter receptor density in\nArea hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS)'}, ylabel='mean ± std\nfmol/mg'>

Each feature includes a data structure for the fingerprint, with mean and standard values for different receptors. The following table thus gives us the same values as shown in the polar plot above:

mean std
AMPA 500 223
kainate 260 239
NMDA 1348 320
GABAA 2508 828
GABAB 2187 274
BZ 3882 1761
M1 661 123
M2 390 35
M3 524 395
alpha4beta2 48 14
alpha1 264 59
alpha2 347 120
5-HT1A 192 145
5-HT2 408 198
D1 102 37

Many of the receptor features also provide a profile of density measurements at different cortical depths, resolving the change of distribution from the white matter towards the pial surface. The profile is stored as a dictionary of density measures from 0 to 100% cortical depth.

v1_profiles = siibra.features.get(
    siibra.get_region('julich 2.9', 'v1'),
for p in v1_profiles:
    if "GABAA" in p.receptor:
Receptor Density Profile: GABAA
      Receptor density (fmol/mg)
0.00                        1053
0.01                        1101
0.02                        1153
0.03                        1213
0.04                        1274
...                          ...
0.96                         634
0.97                         602
0.98                         580
0.99                         559
1.00                         529

[101 rows x 1 columns]

<Axes: title={'center': 'Receptor Density Profile: GABAA'}, xlabel='Cortical depth', ylabel='fmol/mg'>

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 14.338 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 103 MB

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