Installation and Help


siibra is available on pypi. To install the latest released version, simply run pip install siibra. In order to work with the latest version from github, use pip install git+

There is also an image based on jupyter:scipy-notebook, which already includes siibra.

docker run -dit \
      -p 10000:8888 \
      --rm \
      --name siibra \

Documentation & Help

siibra-python’s documentation is hosted on The documentation includes a catalogue of documented code examples that walk you through the different concepts and functionalities. As a new user, it is recommended to go through these examples - they are easy and will quickly provide you with the right code snippets that get you started. Furthermore, a set of jupyter notebooks demonstrating more extensive example use cases are maintained in the siibra-tutorials repository. We are working on a full API documentation of the library. You find the current status on readthedocs, but be aware that it is not yet complete and as up-to-date as the code examples.

If you run into issues, please open a ticket on EBRAINS support or file bugs and feature requests on github. Please keep in mind that siibra-python is still in development. While care is taken to make everything work reliably, the API of the library is not yet stable, and the software is not yet fully tested.