
Package handling variety of volumes and volume operations






Parent class encapsulating commonalities of the basic siibra concept like atlas, parcellation, space, region.


A volume is a specific mesh or 3D array,


from_array(→ Volume)

Builds a siibra volume from an array and an affine matrix.

from_file(→ Volume)

Builds a nifti volume from a filename.

from_nifti(→ Volume)

Builds a nifti volume from a Nifti image.

from_pointcloud(→ Volume)

Get the kernel density estimate as a volume from the points using their

Package Contents

class siibra.volumes.Map(identifier: str, name: str, space_spec: dict, parcellation_spec: dict, indices: Dict[str, List[Dict]], volumes: list = [], shortname: str = '', description: str = '', modality: str = None, publications: list = [], datasets: list = [], prerelease: bool = False)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.volumes.Map

Parent class encapsulating commonalities of the basic siibra concept like atlas, parcellation, space, region. These concepts have an id, name, and key, and they are bootstrapped from metadata stored in an online resources. Typically, they are linked with one or more datasets that can be retrieved from the same or another online resource, providing data files or additional metadata descriptions on request.

assign(item: siibra.locations.location.Location, minsize_voxel=1, lower_threshold=0.0, **kwargs) pandas.DataFrame

Assign an input Location to brain regions.

The input is assumed to be defined in the same coordinate space as this parcellation map.

  • item (Location) – A spatial object defined in the same physical reference space as this parcellation map, which could be a point, set of points, or image volume. If it is an image, it will be resampled to the same voxel space if its affine transformation differs from that of the parcellation map. Resampling will use linear interpolation for float image types, otherwise nearest neighbor.

  • minsize_voxel (int, default: 1) – Minimum voxel size of image components to be taken into account.

  • lower_threshold (float, default: 0) – Lower threshold on values in the statistical map. Values smaller than this threshold will be excluded from the assignment computation.


A table of associated regions and their scores per component found in the input image, or per coordinate provided. The scores are:

  • Value: Maximum value of the voxels in the map covered by an

input coordinate or input image signal component. - Pearson correlation coefficient between the brain region map and an input image signal component (NaN for exact coordinates) - Contains: Percentage of the brain region map contained in an input image signal component, measured from their binarized masks as the ratio between the volume of their intersection and the volume of the brain region (NaN for exact coordinates) - Contained: Percentage of an input image signal component contained in the brain region map, measured from their binary masks as the ratio between the volume of their intersection and the volume of the input image signal component (NaN for exact coordinates)

Return type:


colorize(values: dict, **kwargs) siibra.volumes.volume.Volume

Colorize the map with the provided regional values.


values (dict) – Dictionary mapping regions to values

Return type:



Converts this map into a labelled 3D parcellation map, obtained by taking the voxelwise maximum across the mapped volumes and fragments, and re-labelling regions sequentially.


**kwargs (Takes the fetch arguments of its space's template.) –

Return type:


compute_centroids(split_components: bool = True, **fetch_kwargs) Dict[str, siibra.locations.pointcloud.PointCloud]

Compute a dictionary of all regions in this map to their centroids. By default, the regional masks will be split to connected components and each point in the PointCloud corresponds to a region component.


split_components (bool, default: True) – If True, finds the spatial properties for each connected component found by skimage.measure.label.


Region names as keys and computed centroids as items.

Return type:

Dict[str, point.Point]

fetch(region: str | siibra.core.region.Region = None, *, index: siibra.commons.MapIndex = None, **fetch_kwargs)

Fetches one particular volume of this parcellation map.

If there’s only one volume, this is the default, otherwise further specification is requested: - the volume index, - the MapIndex (which results in a regional map being returned)

You might also consider fetch_iter() to iterate the volumes, or compress() to produce a single-volume parcellation map.

  • region (str, Region) – Specification of a region name, resulting in a regional map (mask or statistical map) to be returned.

  • index (MapIndex) – Explicit specification of the map index, typically resulting in a regional map (mask or statistical map) to be returned. Note that supplying ‘region’ will result in retrieving the map index of that region automatically.

  • **fetch_kwargs

    • resolution_mm: resolution in millimeters

    • format: the format of the volume, like “mesh” or “nii”

    • voi: a BoundingBox of interest

    Not all keyword arguments are supported for volume formats. Format is restricted by available formats (check formats property).

Return type:

An image or mesh


Returns an iterator to fetch all mapped volumes sequentially.

All arguments are passed on to function Map.fetch(). By default, it will go through all fragments as well.

find_indices(region: str | siibra.core.region.Region)

Returns the volume/label indices in this map which match the given region specification.


region (str or Region) –


  • keys: MapIndex

  • values: region name

Return type:


get_colormap(region_specs: Iterable = None, *, fill_uncolored: bool = False)

Generate a matplotlib colormap from known rgb values of label indices.

  • region_specs (iterable(regions), optional) – Optional parameter to only color the desired regions.

  • fill_uncolored (bool , optional) – If a region has no preconfigured color, a color will be randomly (reproducible) created.

Return type:


get_index(region: str | siibra.core.region.Region)

Returns the unique index corresponding to the specified region.


Use find_indices() method for a less strict search returning all matches.


region (str or Region) –

Return type:



NonUniqueIndexError – If not unique or not defined in this parcellation map.

get_region(label: int = None, volume: int = 0, index: siibra.commons.MapIndex = None)

Returns the region mapped by the given index, if any.


Use get_index() or find_indices() methods to obtain the MapIndex.

  • label (int, default: None) –

  • volume (int, default: 0) –

  • index (MapIndex, default: None) –


A region object defined in the parcellation map.

Return type:


get_resampled_template(**fetch_kwargs) siibra.volumes.volume.Volume

Resample the reference space template to fetched map image. Uses nilearn.image.resample_to_img to resample the template.


**fetch_kwargs (takes the arguments of Map.fetch()) –

Return type:


get_volume(region: str | siibra.core.region.Region = None, *, index: siibra.commons.MapIndex = None, **kwargs) siibra.volumes.volume.Volume | siibra.volumes.volume.FilteredVolume | siibra.volumes.volume.Subvolume
sample_locations(regionspec, numpoints: int)

Sample 3D locations inside a given region.

The probability distribution is approximated from the region mask based on the squared distance transform.

  • regionspec (Region or str) – Region to be used

  • numpoints (int) – Number of samples to draw


Sample points in physical coordinates corresponding to this parcellationmap

Return type:



Creates a SparseMap object from this parcellation map object.

Return type:


property affine
property formats
property fragments
property is_labelled
property key
property labels

The set of all label indices defined in this map, including “None” if not defined for one or more regions.

property maptype: siibra.commons.MapType
property parcellation
property provides_image
property provides_mesh
property regions
property space
property species: siibra.commons.Species
volumes: List[siibra.volumes.volume.Volume] = []
class siibra.volumes.Volume(space_spec: dict, providers: List[siibra.volumes.providers.provider.VolumeProvider], name: str = '', variant: str = None, datasets: List[TypeDataset] = [], bbox: siibra.locations.boundingbox.BoundingBox = None)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.volumes.Volume

A volume is a specific mesh or 3D array, which can be accessible via multiple providers in different formats.

__eq__(other: Volume)
compute_spatial_props(split_components: bool = True, **fetch_kwargs) List[ComponentSpatialProperties]

Find the center of this volume in its (non-zero) voxel space and and its volume.


split_components (bool, default: True) – If True, finds the spatial properties for each connected component found by skimage.measure.label.

draw_samples(N: int, sample_size: int = 100, e: float = 1, sigma_mm=None, invert=False, **kwargs)

Draw samples from the volume, by interpreting its values as an unnormalized empirical probability distributions. Any keyword arguments are passed over to fetch()

evaluate_points(points: siibra.locations.point.Point | siibra.locations.pointcloud.PointCloud, outside_value: int | float = 0, **fetch_kwargs) numpy.ndarray

Evaluate the image at the positions of the given points.


Uses nearest neighbor interpolation. Other interpolation schemes are not yet implemented.


If points are not on the same space as the map, they will be warped to the space of the volume.

  • points (PointCloud) –

  • outside_value (int, float. Default: 0) –

  • fetch_kwargs (dict) – Any additional arguments are passed to the fetch() call for retrieving the image data.


values – The values of the volume at the voxels points correspond to.

Return type:



SpaceWarpingFailedError – If warping of the points fails.

fetch(format: str = None, **kwargs)

Fetch a volumetric or surface representation from one of the providers.


format (str, default=None) –

Requested format. If None, the first supported format matching in self.formats is tried, starting with volumetric formats. It can be explicitly specified as:

  • ’surface’ or ‘mesh’ to fetch a surface format

  • ’volumetric’ or ‘voxel’ to fetch a volumetric format

  • supported format types, see SUPPORTED_FORMATS. This includes

’nii’, ‘zip/nii’, ‘neuroglancer/precomputed’, ‘gii-mesh’, ‘neuroglancer/precompmesh’, ‘gii-label’


An image (Nifti1Image) or mesh (Dict[‘verts’

Return type:

ndarray, ‘faces’: ndarray, ‘labels’: ndarray])


Provide an generator over masks of connected components in the volume

find_peaks(mindist=5, sigma_mm=0, **kwargs)

Find local peaks in the volume. Additional keyword arguments are passed over to fetch()

get_boundingbox(clip: bool = True, background: float = 0.0, **fetch_kwargs) siibra.locations.boundingbox.BoundingBox

Obtain the bounding box in physical coordinates of this volume.

  • clip (bool, default: True) – Whether to clip the background of the volume.

  • background (float, default: 0.0) – The background value to clip. .. note:: To use it, clip must be True.

  • fetch_kwargs – key word arguments that are used for fetching volumes, such as voi or resolution_mm. Currently, only possible for Neuroglancer volumes except for format.


RuntimeError – If the volume provider does not have a bounding box calculator.

intersection(other: siibra.core.structure.BrainStructure, **fetch_kwargs) siibra.core.structure.BrainStructure

Compute the intersection of a location with this volume. This will fetch actual image data. Any additional arguments are passed to fetch.

IMAGE_FORMATS = ['nii', 'zip/nii', 'neuroglancer/precomputed']
MESH_FORMATS = ['neuroglancer/precompmesh', 'neuroglancer/precompmesh/surface', 'gii-mesh', 'gii-label',...
SUPPORTED_FORMATS = ['nii', 'zip/nii', 'neuroglancer/precomputed', 'neuroglancer/precompmesh',...
datasets = []
property formats: Set[str]
property fragments: Dict[str, List[str]]
property name

Allows derived classes to implement a lazy name specification.

property providers
property provides_image
property provides_mesh
property space
property species
variant = None
siibra.volumes.from_array(data: numpy.ndarray, affine: numpy.ndarray, space: str | Dict[str, str], name: str) Volume

Builds a siibra volume from an array and an affine matrix.

siibra.volumes.from_file(filename: str, space: str, name: str) Volume

Builds a nifti volume from a filename.

siibra.volumes.from_nifti(nifti: nibabel.Nifti1Image, space: str, name: str) Volume

Builds a nifti volume from a Nifti image.

siibra.volumes.from_pointcloud(points: siibra.locations.pointcloud.PointCloud, label: int = None, target: Volume = None, normalize=True, **kwargs) Volume

Get the kernel density estimate as a volume from the points using their average uncertainty on target volume.

  • points (pointcloud.PointCloud) –

  • label (int, default: None) – If None, finds the KDE for all points. Otherwise, selects the points labelled with this integer value.

  • target (Volume, default: None) – If None, the template of the space points are defined on will be used.

  • normalize (bool, default: True) –


RuntimeError – If no points with labels found

siibra.volumes.logger = None