
Handles the relation between study targets and BrainStructures.



Anatomical anchor to an atlas region, a geometric primitive in an atlas

Module Contents

class siibra.features.anchor.AnatomicalAnchor(species: List[siibra.commons.Species] | siibra.commons.Species | str, location: siibra.locations.location.Location = None, region: str | siibra.core.region.Region = None)

Anatomical anchor to an atlas region, a geometric primitive in an atlas reference space, or both.

__add__(other: AnatomicalAnchor) AnatomicalAnchor
__radd__(other) AnatomicalAnchor
assign(concept: siibra.core.structure.BrainStructure | siibra.core.assignment.AnatomicalAssignment

Match this anchor to a query concept. Assignments are cached at runtime, so repeated assignment with the same concept will be cheap.

matches(concept: siibra.core.structure.BrainStructure | bool
represented_parcellations() List[siibra.core.parcellation.Parcellation]

Return any parcellation objects that this anchor explicitly points to.

property has_region_aliases: bool
property last_match_description: str
property last_match_result: List[siibra.core.assignment.AnatomicalAssignment]
property location: siibra.locations.location.Location
property parcellations: List[siibra.core.parcellation.Parcellation]

Return any parcellation objects that regions of this anchor belong to.

property region_aliases
property regions: Dict[siibra.core.region.Region, siibra.core.assignment.Qualification]

Return the list of regions associated with this anchor. Decode the self._regionspec string into region objects now, if applicable and called for the first time.

property space: