
Module Contents



Blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signals per region.


Datasets that provide regional activity over time.

class siibra.features.tabular.regional_timeseries_activity.RegionalBOLD(paradigm: str, **kwargs)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.features.tabular.regional_timeseries_activity.RegionalBOLD

Blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signals per region.

property name

Returns a short human-readable name of this feature.

class siibra.features.tabular.regional_timeseries_activity.RegionalTimeseriesActivity(cohort: str, modality: str, regions: list, connector: siibra.retrieval.repositories.RepositoryConnector, decode_func: Callable, filename: str, anchor: siibra.features.anchor.AnatomicalAnchor, timestep: str, description: str = '', datasets: list = [], subject: str = 'average', id: str = None)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.features.tabular.regional_timeseries_activity.RegionalTimeseriesActivity

Datasets that provide regional activity over time.

property data: pandas.DataFrame

Returns a table as a pandas dataframe where the index is a timeseries.

property name

Returns a short human-readable name of this feature.

property subject

Returns the subject identifiers for which the table represents.


Return str(self).


Computes the list of centroid coordinates corresponding to dataframe columns, in the given reference space.


space (Space, str) –

Return type:

list[tuple(float, float, float)]

plot(regions: List[str | siibra.core.region.Region] = None, *args, backend='matplotlib', **kwargs)

Create a bar plot of averaged timeseries data per region.

  • regions (List[str or Region]) –

  • subject (str, default: None) – If None, returns the subject averaged table.

  • kwargs (args and) – takes arguments and keyword arguments for the desired plotting backend.

plot_carpet(regions: List[str | siibra.core.region.Region] = None, *args, backend='plotly', **kwargs)

Create a carpet plot ofthe timeseries data per region.

  • regions (List[str or Region]) –

  • subject (str, default: None) – If None, returns the subject averaged table.

  • kwargs (args and) – takes arguments and keyword arguments for