
Multimodal data features in tabular formats.


Package Contents



Represents a 1-dimensional profile of measurements along cortical depth,


Represents a 1-dimensional profile of measurements along cortical depth,


A set gene expressions for different candidate genes


Represents a table of different measures anchored to a brain location.


Represents a table of different measures anchored to a brain location.


Represents a table of different measures anchored to a brain location.


Represents a 1-dimensional profile of measurements along cortical depth,


Blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signals per region.

class siibra.features.tabular.BigBrainIntensityProfile(anchor: siibra.features.anchor.AnatomicalAnchor, depths: list, values: list, boundaries: list)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.features.tabular.BigBrainIntensityProfile

Represents a 1-dimensional profile of measurements along cortical depth, measured at relative depths between 0 representing the pial surface, and 1 corresponding to the gray/white matter boundary.

Mandatory attributes are the list of depth coordinates and the list of corresponding measurement values, which have to be of equal length, as well as a unit and description of the measurements.

Optionally, the depth coordinates of layer boundaries can be specified.

Most attributes are modelled as properties, so dervide classes are able to implement lazy loading instead of direct initialiation.

property location
DESCRIPTION = 'Cortical profiles of BigBrain staining intensities computed by Konrad Wagstyl, as described in...'
class siibra.features.tabular.CellDensityProfile(section: int, patch: int, url: str, anchor: siibra.features.anchor.AnatomicalAnchor, datasets: list = [], id: str = None)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.features.tabular.CellDensityProfile

Represents a 1-dimensional profile of measurements along cortical depth, measured at relative depths between 0 representing the pial surface, and 1 corresponding to the gray/white matter boundary.

Mandatory attributes are the list of depth coordinates and the list of corresponding measurement values, which have to be of equal length, as well as a unit and description of the measurements.

Optionally, the depth coordinates of layer boundaries can be specified.

Most attributes are modelled as properties, so dervide classes are able to implement lazy loading instead of direct initialiation.

property boundary_positions
property cells
property density_image
property depth_image

Cortical depth image from layer boundary polygons by equidistant sampling.

property key
property layer_mask

Generates a layer mask from boundary annotations.

property layers
property location
property shape
DESCRIPTION = 'Cortical profile of estimated densities of detected cell bodies (in detected cells per 0.1 cube...'
classmethod CELL_READER(b)
classmethod LAYER_READER(b)

Returns the annotation of a specific layer boundary.

static poly_rev(poly)
static poly_srt(poly)
class siibra.features.tabular.GeneExpressions(levels: List[float], z_scores: List[float], genes: List[str], additional_columns: dict, anchor: siibra.features.anchor.AnatomicalAnchor, datasets: List = [DATASET])
Inheritance diagram of siibra.features.tabular.GeneExpressions

A set gene expressions for different candidate genes measured inside a brain structure.

Show Value
    For retrieving microarray data, siibra connects to the web API of
    the Allen Brain Atlas (© 2015 Allen Institute for Brain Science),
    available from Any use of the
    microarray data needs to be in accordance with their terms of use,
    as specified at
DESCRIPTION = Multiline-String
Show Value
    Gene expressions extracted from microarray data in the Allen Atlas.
plot(*args, backend='matplotlib', **kwargs)

Create a box plot per gene.

  • backend (str) – “matplotlib”, “plotly”, or others supported by pandas DataFrame plotting backend.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments are passed on to the plot command.

class siibra.features.tabular.LayerwiseBigBrainIntensities(anchor: siibra.features.anchor.AnatomicalAnchor, means: list, stds: list)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.features.tabular.LayerwiseBigBrainIntensities

Represents a table of different measures anchored to a brain location.

Columns represent different types of values, while rows represent different samples. The number of columns might thus be interpreted as the feature dimension.

As an example, receptor fingerprints use rows to represent different neurotransmitter receptors, and separate columns for the mean and standard deviations measure across multiple tissue samples.

DESCRIPTION = 'Layerwise averages and standard deviations of of BigBrain staining intensities computed by...'
class siibra.features.tabular.LayerwiseCellDensity(segmentfiles: list, layerfiles: list, anchor: siibra.features.anchor.AnatomicalAnchor, datasets: list = [], id: str = None)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.features.tabular.LayerwiseCellDensity

Represents a table of different measures anchored to a brain location.

Columns represent different types of values, while rows represent different samples. The number of columns might thus be interpreted as the feature dimension.

As an example, receptor fingerprints use rows to represent different neurotransmitter receptors, and separate columns for the mean and standard deviations measure across multiple tissue samples.

property data
property key
DESCRIPTION = 'Layerwise estimated densities of detected cell bodies  (in detected cells per 0.1 cube...'
classmethod CELL_READER(b)
classmethod LAYER_READER(b)
class siibra.features.tabular.ReceptorDensityFingerprint(tsvfile: str, anchor: siibra.features.anchor.AnatomicalAnchor, datasets: list = [], id: str = None)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.features.tabular.ReceptorDensityFingerprint

Represents a table of different measures anchored to a brain location.

Columns represent different types of values, while rows represent different samples. The number of columns might thus be interpreted as the feature dimension.

As an example, receptor fingerprints use rows to represent different neurotransmitter receptors, and separate columns for the mean and standard deviations measure across multiple tissue samples.

property data
property neurotransmitters: List[str]
property receptors: List[str]
property unit: str
DESCRIPTION = 'Fingerprint of densities (in fmol/mg protein) of receptors for classical neurotransmitters...'
classmethod parse_tsv_data(data: dict)
plot(*args, **kwargs)

Create a bar plot of a columns of the data. :param backend: “matplotlib”, “plotly”, or others supported by pandas DataFrame

plotting backend.


**kwargs – takes Matplotlib.pyplot keyword arguments

polar_plot(*args, backend='matplotlib', **kwargs)

Create a polar plot of the fingerprint. backend: str

“matplotlib” or “plotly”

class siibra.features.tabular.ReceptorDensityProfile(receptor: str, tsvfile: str, anchor: siibra.features.anchor.AnatomicalAnchor, datasets: list = [], id: str = None)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.features.tabular.ReceptorDensityProfile

Represents a 1-dimensional profile of measurements along cortical depth, measured at relative depths between 0 representing the pial surface, and 1 corresponding to the gray/white matter boundary.

Mandatory attributes are the list of depth coordinates and the list of corresponding measurement values, which have to be of equal length, as well as a unit and description of the measurements.

Optionally, the depth coordinates of layer boundaries can be specified.

Most attributes are modelled as properties, so dervide classes are able to implement lazy loading instead of direct initialiation.

property key
property neurotransmitter
property receptor_fullname
property unit

Optionally overridden in derived classes.

DESCRIPTION = 'Cortical profile of densities (in fmol/mg protein) of receptors for classical neurotransmitters...'
classmethod parse_tsv_data(data)
class siibra.features.tabular.RegionalBOLD(paradigm: str, **kwargs)
Inheritance diagram of siibra.features.tabular.RegionalBOLD

Blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signals per region.

property name

Returns a short human-readable name of this feature.