Multimodal data features types and query mechanisms.
Base class for anatomically anchored data features. |
Print the ascii hierarchy representation of a feature type. |
Package Contents
- class siibra.features.Feature(modality: str, description: str, anchor: siibra.features.anchor.AnatomicalAnchor, datasets: List[TypeDataset] = [], id: str = None, prerelease: bool = False)
Base class for anatomically anchored data features.
- classmethod __init_subclass__(configuration_folder=None, category=None, do_not_index=False, **kwargs)
- matches(concept: siibra.core.structure.BrainStructure | bool
Match the features anatomical anchor against the given query concept. Record the most recently matched concept for inspection by the caller.
- abstract plot(*args, **kwargs)
Feature subclasses override this with their customized plot methods.
- to_zip(filelike: str | BinaryIO)
Export as a zip archive.
- Parameters:
filelike (str or path) – Filelike to write the zip file. User is responsible to ensure the correct extension (.zip) is set.
- property LICENSE: str
- property anchor
- property authors
- category: str = None
- datasets = []
- property description
Allows subclasses to overwrite the description with a function call.
- property id
- property last_match_description
The description of the last anchor comparison to a BrainStructure.
- property last_match_result
The result of the last anchor comparison to a BrainStructure.
- property modality
- property name
Returns a short human-readable name of this feature.
- property urls: List[str]
The list of URLs (including DOIs) associated with this feature.
- siibra.features.__dir__()
- siibra.features.__getattr__(attr: str)
- siibra.features.render_ascii_tree(class_or_classname: type | str)
Print the ascii hierarchy representation of a feature type.
- siibra.features.siibra_tqdm(iterable: Iterable[T] = None, *args, **kwargs)
- siibra.features.TYPES
- siibra.features.get
- siibra.features.logger = None